Weekly Bible Study on Zoom

Pastor Brett invites all to weekly Bible study on Zoom, Thursdays, 7:30-8:30pm  on Zoom here.  There's no preparation or experience needed to join us at any time for Bible study - just jump in when you can! We read and learn together, currently each week reading the scriptures for the coming Sunday. It's also a good way to get to know people and grow by sharing our faith and questions. 

Lent: Prayers & Practices to Equip You

The church season of Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, March 5: worship at 7:30pm, or stop by for "ashes to-go" outside the church between 10-2 or 5-6. This season is often a time people intentionally explore or seek to deepen faith by learning, worship, or trying faith practices.

Our community Lenten devotional will be using the book Prayer: 40 Days of Practice through this season together. Pick one up at church today ($7 donation requested). The simple prayers and art offer a deep but easily accessible moment of reflection for each day. This will also provide a framework for some reflection and special opportunities to try various prayer practices through the season. 


Lenten opportunities for prayer & practice - Each week we’ll offer:

            Sanctuary open for silent reflection each Sunday, 11:30-12:30

            Morning prayer Mondays at 8am, in-person & livestreamed

            Evening Prayer Thursdays at 7pm, livestreamed

Calendar & details in the weekly email and linked online at georgetownlutheran.com/worship


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Little Lutherans and Sunday School

Little Lutherans and Sunday School for little ones through middle school meets next Sunday, 3/23. Parents, see the email Pastor sent this week for details and a request for your response on the parent survey. We're shifting models and looking for parents or other interested adults to help with Sunday School - speak with Pastor if interested/able.

Explore Communion classes for kids approaching first communion or wanting to learn are this Sunday, 3/16 (9-9:45am) and 3/30 (11:15-12:30). Speak with Pastor if you're interested in joining in - all are welcome!

Study Guides & Resources

On our Read & Explore Faith page there are a few blog entries on various topics, which also point in the direction of further resources. We've also (just) started a Goodreads page to share reviews of different books - detail here.
Early in the summer we had two one-session topic studies - on topics which, given current events, our wider church has encouraged us to study our denomination's statements and faith perspective/resources on.  Pastor Brett created a study guide for self study or learning more about each topic: Abortion and Community Violence.